
In the ever-evolving landscape of financial service apps, staying ahead requires not just innovation but a deep understanding of user needs and behaviors. This case study explores the redesign of the ONE financial service app, aimed at revolutionizing spending, saving, and investment management for users. Through targeted features and seamless integration, ONE caters to three distinct customer types: standard ONE customers, Walmart employees, and Spark Drivers (freelancers).


App Design




UX Design

UI Design


User Research


Before the redesign, users faced fragmentation with multiple apps for different financial needs, cumbersome support ticket tracking, and limited accessibility options. There was a pressing need to consolidate features, improve user experience, and cater to diverse user segments.


Consolidation and Segmentation:

  • Integration of multiple apps into ONE streamlined user experience.

  • Segmentation for standard customers, Walmart employees, and Spark Drivers with tailored features.

Personal and Business Expense Management:

  • Separate pockets for personal and business expenses.

  • Tax-exempt item tracking for Spark Drivers.

  • Payroll management for Walmart employees.

Support Ticket and Dispute Management:

  • Introduction of Support Ticket view for tracking customer support interactions.

  • Real-time dispute status tracking for quick resolution.

Enhanced Search Functionality:

  • Versatile Search feature for filtering transactions.

  • Simplified navigation for users to find specific transactions effortlessly.

Accessibility Improvements:

  • Introduction of light mode alongside dark mode.

  • Catering to users with visual impairments and outdoor usage.

  • Enhanced readability and usability across different environments.

Optimized Screen Real Estate:

  • Centralization of banners and calls-to-action in the dedicated Notification view named "for you."

  • Reduction of clutter, providing users with a focused and intuitive experience.


The redesign of the ONE financial service app exemplifies a strategic approach to product development, addressing the diverse needs of users while prioritizing seamless user experience and accessibility. By integrating targeted features and segmentation, ONE has positioned itself as a leader in the financial service app market, setting new standards for innovation and customer-centric design.




In the ever-evolving landscape of financial service apps, staying ahead requires not just innovation but a deep understanding of user needs and behaviors. This case study explores the redesign of the ONE financial service app, aimed at revolutionizing spending, saving, and investment management for users. Through targeted features and seamless integration, ONE caters to three distinct customer types: standard ONE customers, Walmart employees, and Spark Drivers (freelancers).


App Design




UX Design

UI Design


User Research


Before the redesign, users faced fragmentation with multiple apps for different financial needs, cumbersome support ticket tracking, and limited accessibility options. There was a pressing need to consolidate features, improve user experience, and cater to diverse user segments.


Consolidation and Segmentation:

  • Integration of multiple apps into ONE streamlined user experience.

  • Segmentation for standard customers, Walmart employees, and Spark Drivers with tailored features.

Personal and Business Expense Management:

  • Separate pockets for personal and business expenses.

  • Tax-exempt item tracking for Spark Drivers.

  • Payroll management for Walmart employees.

Support Ticket and Dispute Management:

  • Introduction of Support Ticket view for tracking customer support interactions.

  • Real-time dispute status tracking for quick resolution.

Enhanced Search Functionality:

  • Versatile Search feature for filtering transactions.

  • Simplified navigation for users to find specific transactions effortlessly.

Accessibility Improvements:

  • Introduction of light mode alongside dark mode.

  • Catering to users with visual impairments and outdoor usage.

  • Enhanced readability and usability across different environments.

Optimized Screen Real Estate:

  • Centralization of banners and calls-to-action in the dedicated Notification view named "for you."

  • Reduction of clutter, providing users with a focused and intuitive experience.


The redesign of the ONE financial service app exemplifies a strategic approach to product development, addressing the diverse needs of users while prioritizing seamless user experience and accessibility. By integrating targeted features and segmentation, ONE has positioned itself as a leader in the financial service app market, setting new standards for innovation and customer-centric design.
